-- Fortitud et Fides --

Katsunobu Nishihara

Katsunobu Nishihara was born in a family of Maki-e craftsman, which is Japanese traditional crafts, in 1972.

He has mastered advanced skills in Wajima, Ishikawa for five years since 1991. He learned many techniques there that cannot learn in Hiroshima.

His works were selected for Exhibition of Japanese Traditional Urushi Works in 1995 and Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition in 2003.

Since then his works have been selected for various exhibitions.
He also has taught at the Urushi class for the public since 2002 and been invited as a guest teacher by his alma mater Takeya Elementary School every year since 2005.

Solo exhibition was held at Hiroshima Gallery G in 2007 and solo exhibition ”Urushi-ten” is planned to be held in October 2021.

He is active in various lacquer crafts.

1991 Went to Wajima, Ishikawa, and mastered advanced skills for five years. He learned many techniques there that cannot learn in Hiroshima.

1995 Selected for Exhibition of Japanese Traditional Urushi Works

2002 Started teaching at the Urushi class for the public

2003 Selected for Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition
Since then his works have been selected for various exhibitions.

2005 Invited as a guest teacher by his alma mater Takeya Elementary School every year up until now.

2007 Solo exhibition at Hiroshima Gallery G
He is active in various lacquer crafts.

2021 Solo exhibition ”Urushi-ten” is planned to be held in October

Mr. Nishihara has worked closely with Franklin-Christoph since 2005 on maki-e limited edition pen projects.  

1972 年 日本の工芸の蒔絵職人の家に生まれる
1991 年 高度な漆工芸技術取得の為 5 年間石川県輪島にて広島にない多くの技術を学ぶ
1995 年 日本伝統漆芸展入選
2002 年 一般向けうるし教室を作る
2003 年 日本伝統工芸展入選
2005 年 毎年母校の広島市立竹屋小学校にてゲストティチャーとして招かれる
2007 年 広島ギャラリーG にて個展
2021 年 10 月に個展「うるし展」を予定